Rock Climbing is offered for sport credit during the Spring Term(late February to early May). Practice is Monday through Thursday and usually involves either working out on the Ritt Kellog Climbing Wall, limestone climbing on the crags of the Austin Greenbelt, trail running on campus, or teaching sessions at the Straw Bale House. Students in the rock climbing program also get the opportunity to go on number of overnight trips to places like El Potrero Chico in Mexico, Enchanted Rock and Hueco Tanks in Texas, the Santa Catalina Mountain in Arizona, as well as Yosemite and Joshua Tree National Monument in California.
The program is geared towards all levels of experience and ability. DCWP students learn the following:
-Basic to advanced climbing technique.
-How to belay both top rope and lead climbers.
-The fundamentals of lead climbing and multi-pitch climbing.
-"Cleaning" climbs and rappelling.
-Anchor construction.
-Self-rescue techniques.
-Map and compass skills.
-Basic first aid instruction to certified courses in Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder.
-Fitness and strength training.
-Minimal impact camping skills.