
      Poverty, according to Webster Dictionary is “the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions”. So, simply put, poverty is the absence of basic needs such as food, education   housing, clothing, and access to healthcare. There are two “categories” of poverty; relative poverty and absolute poverty. Absolute poverty is a state of living where most of life’s minimum needs cannot be met. People living in absolute poverty live on less than one dollar a day. Right now, about 1.7 billion people live in absolute poverty. Relative poverty, though not as harsh as absolute poverty is still a reality for many people.  It is a state of living where one has fewer resources and less income than the average standard of their society. Poverty is a real problem that affects many people all over the world. It is a scary cycle that requires much fighting to get out of. It is important to be aware of people living in poverty. Their lives are challenging and any help they get is always important. (Written by Monica Rao)

Health care is usually something that is supplied by employers, but if you don’t work or have an employer, your odds of having a good health care plan are slim to none. As some of you may know, if one looses their job, they may still receive unemployment benefits from the government. But just recently, congress has significantly reduced the number of people that are receiving this essential benefit that they need to get back on their feet. As of November 30th, about 100,000 people have lost this precious benefit, including healthcare. This is leading to more families not having enough money to cover their medical bills, leaving hundreds of people in not just America, but here in Austin dying due to not being able to pay for the right medicine or medical attention. This issue was very important for me to take on because of how much of a problem it is. I think it is completely wrong that people are not receiving the medicine they need just because they can’t afford it. Nothing is worth as much as a precious human life. If the whole of America starts thinking like this, the world wouldn’t have to put a price on the well being of people. Health care to the poor population of America is slimly provided which is unfortunate, due to the fact that they are people just like you and me who can’t afford it.

                Something as basic as a clean toothbrush every morning, and a warm shower every evening is something that is even beyond comprehension for some of the residents of Austin. It is something that is so out of reach that they stop hoping for it. Personal hygiene is something important for me to cover because it is something that is really easy for us as the general public to take advantage of, when some of the people around us don’t even have that. If you have ever stopped to look at a poor or homeless person, they usually don’t have the most beautiful teeth or hair, and they are not wall taken care of. This is simply the lack of the simple necessities needed for basic hygiene. Most of the poor population doesn’t even have the money or tools to get this. As fortunate people, it is our job to make sure that basic necessities are given to those less fortunate than we, whether that be in setting up a homeless shelter, or just a clean place that provides showers and a place to brush ones teeth. This should be what the poorest of people have to look forward to if nothing at all, for it is simple and easy to provide.

As of 2006, 350-500 Travis County residents have had their utilities cut off each day, due to the inability to pay. This is a serious problem because in Texas and other high-temperature areas, loss of utilities services comes with a heightened risk of death or heat-related illness. Non-payment is a major issue because low income families spend proportionately more money on utilities than any other demographic. In the fiscal year 2004, Caritas was unable to provide 92% of clients with rent or utility assistance due to lack of funding. The Travis County Health and Human Services department provided over $965K over 3,400 household 2005, but was still unable to meet demands. United Way’s “2-1-1 Texas” cites electric bill assistance as the number one need among callers.

            Clothing is a very basic necessity that most people have and take for granted. Think with me for one second about what life would be like if you had one pair of shoes (3 sizes too small), two shirts, and one pair of jeans that you grew out of 2 years ago. Life would be much different wouldn’t it. Well these and some much worse are the conditions that people, even here in Austin, live under. It is very sad to think that there are not only adults, but children that deal with this as well. But if one doesn’t have money to even feed their own family, the first thing on their mind to buy is not going to be new clothing. So they usually wear “hand-me-downs” or clothes they find in trash cans or on the street. Their clothing is usually very dirty, for they have no way of washing it. When thinking about what we have that others don’t, clothing is usually overlooked. Rather, it should be looked at as something that should and can easily be helped if the right people decide that they want to be a part of this major issue.


   Hunger, according to Webster Dictionary is “a craving or urgent need for food or a specific nutrient“. Food is a basic need for every human being. Without it, we cannot survive. An absence of food causes the feeling of hunger. Extreme hunger or starvation is a feeling that no one should have to experience. Unfortunately there are people who live with this gripping feeling on a daily basis. According to the Bread for the World organization 925 million people are hungry and every day 16,000 children die from hunger related causes. These jolting facts should make us feel thankful that we have enough to eat, because so many do not. The root cause of hunger is poverty. Poor people cannot afford to buy food. Many of the people living in poverty are jobless, and without a steady income it becomes difficult to feed themselves and their loved ones. Fortunately there are many organizations working hard to make sure that this issue is properly addressed and taken care of. (Written by Monica Rao)


By: Chapman Dosset
Clothing is essential to everyday life
You must impress your wife
Clothes keep us in good health and show off our wealth
Clothes can be meant to amuse or to show your feelings
Like the cap of the Jews
When it comes to keeping warm, clothes are the way to go
When it is warm clothes cover the parts you don’t want to show
I hope everyone know the poor really need clothes,
So donate something that shows
This is the end of my fabulous rhyme
So to Caritas please, donate a dime…
Or two