
File Services


Network Logon-Logoff program installer for Windows

  1. Download this file to your computer.
  2. Double-click on the downloaded file to start the installation.
  3. The same program used on school computers will be installed on yor computer.
  4. If the installer program reports that additional files are required, download this file from Microsoft and run it, then re-start the installation of the Network Logon-Logoff program.

Connect to the File Server with a Mac

File Service Access:

All faculty and students at St. Stephen's are issued an account on the Academic File Server. To access your account from public computers (e.g. computer labs, classrooms, and the library):

1. Double-click the "File Server Log-On" icon located on the desktop of the computer at which you are seated
2. Enter your username and password into the dialog box that appears on the screen [example: user=john.doe, pass=a58r3Z]
3. You should see an icon appear on the desktop of the computer titled with your user name [john.doe]
4. You should save all of your academic work within this folder that is labeled with your name
5. You should log off the network when you leave the computer. how you accomplish this will depend upon whether you are using a Mac or PC. If you are using a Mac, you can either 1) drag the icon with your name into the trashcan located on the desktop, or 2) double-click on the "Network Log-On" icon once again. If you are using a PC, double-click the "Network Log-On" icon once again and select the "Disconnect" button that appears in the dialog box.

Web Publishing:

To publish your web pages from your account on the file server, simply place the pages and their associated images into the folder "public_html" located within your account. As a general rule, you should give the home page within your web site the title "index.html". To access these web pages over the internet, direct your web browser to: http://spartans.ssstx.org/~yourusername/webpagename.
For example, if student John Doe wished to see his web page entitled "english-paper.html" in a web browser, he would direct the browser to: http://spartans.ssstx.org/~john.doe/english-paper.html

 updated: 11/09/15

 report comments/corrections about this page to: techsupport@sstx.org